Casual, Dine in, Take out, Fast Food, Delivery
Chinese Food, American-Chinese, Sichuan, Hunan, Cantonese, Healthy, Vegetarian, Seafood
Opening hours
Open 7 Days a Week
Monday - Saturday: 11:00am - 10:00pm
Sunday: 12:00pm - 10:00pm
  • feinFEINFEIN************@GOONER.GYAt posted at 2/7/2025
    yo why you delete da comment the eggroll is still good though
  • ba***@balls.com posted at 1/28/2025
  • Skibid*******@gmail.com posted at 1/28/2025
    Kevin is my best friend and he recommended me this place 10/10 THANK YOU for the egg roll!!